The project for developing international skills for high-level executives, known as “Certified International Executive Leadership (CIEL).”

Professor Dr. Pongsak Sripanitmongkol, M.D., served as the Acting President of Chiang Mai University and presided over the opening of the “Certified International Executive Leadership (CIEL)” project. He also delivered a special lecture on the topic of “University Management Policies and the Role of the University in Driving International Affairs.” The training program was attended by university administrators, deans, institute directors, and academic personnel from Chiang Mai University. The program was honored to have Mr. Panjajak Vorapricha, a former diplomat and consultant for a leading company, as well as a representative from the Senior Advisory Board of the Private Sector’s Tripartite Partnership Committee. The lectures took place from August 20 to 21, 2023, at the Vienganda Resort in Chiang Mai.