Opportunities 2024

Call for Applications: 2025-2026 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program

2025-2026 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program (HHH) The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is a United States Government funded program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). At ECA, the Humphrey Program is coordinated by the Humphrey Fellowships and Institutional Linkages Branch (ECA/A/S/U) of the Office of Global Educational Programs. It is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) under a cooperative agreement with ECA. Unlike the traditional Fulbright and most other foreign scholarship programs, the Humphrey …

Call for Applications: 2025 Fulbright Thai Visiting Scholar Program (TVS)

The Thailand – United States Educational Foundation (Fulbright Thailand) announces its annual competition for the Fulbright awards under the Thai Visiting Scholar Program (TVS). The program offers up to three (3) grants to senior Thai national scholars in Thai universities/research institutions to lecture, pursue research or undertake special academic-related projects in the United States during the 2025 academic year for a period of 3 – 6 months. The grant period must not start before September 1, 2025, and no later than mid-February 2026. The award …

Opportunities 2024